Frees it in Time Photography

Capturing life through a lens

Location: Seattle, Washington

Beautiful...Real...Timeless - Beautiful people, Real moments, Timeless Imagery - I started in photography in high school and have spent many hours watching people and thinking "What makes a great shot?" It's the story... the story of someone's life captured forever, through a photograph. This is what I do... this is what I love.



So these are my babies.... but they are not so much babies anymore. It kinda makes me sad. As I sit here in the office updating this blog I listen to them talk in the other room and they are actually having a discussion. I am not really sure what it is about but I do know that they no longer sound like babies. I know this sounds so cliche but really, when did they grow up?

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A Happy New Year's Eve Wedding!

The luckiest day in Irish tradition is New Year's Eve so that is exactly when Cris & Peter decided to tie the knot. Both come from Irish decent and both new that this festive night would make the perfect backdrop for a wedding. It was a great wedding full of the bride and grooms unique touches... from converse for the groom and groomsmen to royal blue satin shoes for the bride to little blue clovers on the cupcakes and the wonderful Irish stew served in bread bowls, Cris and Peter shared a piece of who they are with everyone there. Thanks for letting me be a part of your night and here is a sneak peak at the pictures that tell your story!

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