Frees it in Time Photography

Capturing life through a lens

Location: Seattle, Washington

Beautiful...Real...Timeless - Beautiful people, Real moments, Timeless Imagery - I started in photography in high school and have spent many hours watching people and thinking "What makes a great shot?" It's the story... the story of someone's life captured forever, through a photograph. This is what I do... this is what I love.


A labor of love {and hate}

It's been a labor of love {and hate} but I finally dug through {digitally} 10's of thousands of pictures to compile a brand new Frees it in Time Photography Facebook page!

Here's the thing, websites are hard to maintain if you don't have the time to understand how, they can be expensive, and really I'm not a writer. Obviously, this blog is so neglected and a constant reminder.

I wish I was better. Funnier. Cooler. Hipper. But what I am is a photographer. I love pictures. I love to look through pictures. I love to connect with people. So I'm hoping a Facebook page is the perfect combination of communication and updates. We shall see :)

Go like the page, become a fan, and browse the hundreds of photos. I can guarantee that there will be a constant stream of new ones. Go ahead and "like" the pictures YOU like and leave a comment. I plan on doing some "how to" tips, so ask questions. Nothing is to simple or too hard. I'll give you my best answer and you decide if it's helpful or not. Share your ideas too. There is always something to learn in this ever changing field!

Here's the link!


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